Creating Web Services in PeopleSoft
2. Creating Messages and Services.
1. Introduction
What are the Peopletools 8.48 functionalities for integrating with BPEL? Peopletools 8.48 provides capabilities to consume or provide webservices. The PeopleSoft Applications and BPEL share services and these services are invoked synchronously or asynchronously. We will see in brief how to expose as web services within peoplesoft.
How is a PeopleSoft service consumed by BPEL? PeopleSoft with latest tools release enables developers to expose CI and Application packages as Web Services. The feature in BPEL process which consumes the service is Partner Link.
Consuming a BPEL process was made very easy in Peopletools. The ability to create and consume the webservices is providing in releases 8.46, 8.47 & 8.48. People Tools service designer is used to create and publish webservices. The messaging operations are diverted to Service operations. We are aware of creating messages, message channels and creating nodes and transactions. The service operations is about creating service operations, assigning messages to operations, adding handlers and creating routings.
Let us also take a brief pause and be aware of the new nomenclature.
Prior to 8.46 | Latest |
Channels | Queues |
Transaction | Routings |
Subscription/Publishing PeopleCode | Application Class |
Messages | Message now is only a shape or definition only |
Application message system the message node is associated with specific message channels. Each message channel includes the routing. The subscribing system processes the received message by the subscription process. The message delivery is handled through the HTTP/XML protocol. To revise the picture below depicts the components.
Messaging Flow in the service oriented architecture integration.
A service can consume the service by discovering from BPEL’s WSIL, UDDI, or directly importing using wsdl URL, or from a WSDL file. A copy of the WSDL is stored in WSDL repository table. Using the service designer, the developer can select port type, operations and messages. The developer can also add some handlers and routings.
2. Creating Messages and Services.
- Create/Identify message and message channel
- Create/Identify service
- Create/Identify service operation
- Create/Identify Routings
The following diagrams explain the navigation to search and create the above mentioned components.
Navigation | Action |
Peopletools > Integration broker – Integration Setup > Message | Search/Add |
Fig: New message which is shape only.
Navigation | Action |
Peopletools > Integration broker – Integration Setup > services | Search/Add |
Fig: Create new service for the message created earlier.
Navigation | Action |
Peopletools > Integration broker – Integration Setup > service operation | Search/Add |
Fig: Create new service operation, message, queue, service and service operations are all related.
Fig: Routings are created for service operations.
Fig: The routings on service operation explains the node information.
Fig: example to find connectors tab on routing definitions.
3. Service Configuration
Navigation | Action |
Peopletools > Integration broker – Configuration > Service Configuration | Configuration |
The settings on the page are used for WSDL and SOAP endpoints, also the schema and service namespace.
4. Exposing as Web services
Component interfaces are web-services ready in version 8.48. The web service in peoplesoft should be exposed to be utilized by BPEL or ESB. These services exposed enables third party tools and integration utilities to consume.
Providing Services:
The services what can be one or more CI’s or Application classes or peoplecode and rowset and non-rowset based messages can be published as a WSDL or UDDI repository. The WSDL is also saved in an internal WSDL repository and available for query or export. This task is accomplished for a developer through web service wizard.
Navigation | Action |
Peopletools > Integration broker – Web Services > Provide web services | search |
Fig: Step 2
Fig: Step3
Fig: Step4
Fig: Created is the WSDL URL, you can also create a SOAP template.
Providing CI based Web Services
Navigation | Action |
Peopletools > Integration broker > Web Services > CI based services | Search |
Fig: CI based services
Fig: select the CI and click on review CI status
Fig: Select all or any methods and click on display selected actions.
Fig: Click on Perform selected actions
Fig: Click on view service definition. The page displays service information and operations.
Fig: Provide web service gives the user a service wizard to create web service.
Fig: Check if WSDL already exists.
Fig: Click on provide web service. Do select all or any.
Fig: Step 3, you can view the WSDL.
Fig: Finish in the step 4
Fig: Results and you can also create a SOAP Template.
Navigation | Action |
Peopletools > Portal > Structure and content | edit |
Fig: make sure the WSRP Producible is checked before exposing as a web service
5. Information gathered
Easy Coding: The consumed BPEL process can be launched (invoked) using a very few Peoplecode statements.
Creating a Message
&payload = CreateXmlDoc(&customer);
&msg = CreateMessage(Operation.PROCESS, %IntBroker_Request);
Invoking a BPEL process
&response = &bpelProcess.LaunchSyncBPELProcess(&OPERATION, &msg, "", "");
Processing a response
If All(&response) Then
&responseString = &response.GenXMLString();
WinMessage("Error: No reply ");