Tuesday, January 28, 2014

XML Publisher simplified

There was an apprehension to adopt the XML publisher with earlier template builder for a peoplesoft developer. This got better with the new template builder version 5.6.2+

This version will make lives easy for those who want to sort/group by data in your templates.

Also for those people who are asking for help with Rowset based datasource.

1) You need to import the application class PSXP_XMLGEN:*

2) You all know peoplecode and how to use rowsets.

3) Create XSD and Sample xml file using Application Engine.

4) extend the above imported application class to create schema and File.

5) Now create you application engine to publish full data, create report definition and the run the AE.

6) The code also extends PSXP_RPTDEFNMANAGER and generate report.

This might not look simple unless you try it. Good Luck!